A saúde ginecológica começa consigo
Vamos falar de rastreio do Cancro do Colo do Útero
Tenha um maior controlo sobre a sua saúde aprendendo mais sobre o HPV, o cancro do colo do útero e o seu rastreio.
Know Your Risk
Understand HPV and cervical cancer.
Take Action
Read about your screening options and how to decode test results.
Hear other women’s stories and experiences with HPV and cervical cancer.
Informação sobre o HPV e o cancro do colo do útero.
Conheça quais as opções e aprenda a interpretar os resultados do teste de rastreio.
Over 80% of sexually active adults will get HPV at some point in their lives1
90% of HPV infections are cleared within 2 years2
Around the world, cervical cancer is one of the most common cancers in women3
70% of cervical cancers are caused by the two highest risk types, HPV 16 & HPV 184
HPV: A Link to Cervical Cancer
HPV is a common sexually transmitted infection, and most women will not know that they or their partners have it. HPV is most often spread through sexual intercourse. It can also be transmitted via non penetrative sexual activity.5
HPV is a small, double-stranded DNA virus that affects epithelial cells such as skin and mucous membranes. There are more than 150 HPV genotypes, about 30 of which are sexually transmitted. Most HPV strains are harmless; however, a handful of high-risk types cause infections that can develop into cervical cancer.
There are 14 high-risk HPV types that are detected in over 99% of cervical cancers.2,3 Two HPV types, HPV 16 and HPV 18, are associated with 70% of all cervical cancers.3 HPV 16 causes approximately 55% to 60% of cervical cancer cases, and HPV 18 accounts for 10% to 15%.2 Globally, genotypes HPV 16 and HPV 18 are more oncogenic and likely to progress to high grade cervical disease than all other high-risk HPV genotypes combined.6
Uma campanha de sensibilização da Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro (LPCC) com apoio Roche.
Para mais informação, visite a página da LPCC aqui.
Cervical Cancer Screening
When should I be screened for cervical cancer?
Could I get an HPV test as part of my exam?
If have been vaccinated for HPV, do I still need cervical cancer screening?
How often do you recommend I get an HPV test?
I want an HPV test that detects HPV 16 and 18, how do I get it?
If my results are positive, what is the next step?
Are there any brochures, websites or other materials that I can use to learn more about cervical cancer prevention?
General Health
Do I need any important shots?
How can I protect myself from HIV and other STDs?
Where can I get mental health help?
How can I get more physical activity?
What form of birth control is right for me?
How can I incorporate more healthy eating habits into my diet?
Given my family history, am I at a higher risk for certain diseases or illnesses?
Junte-se à comunidade do Facebook
A "Know Your Risk for Cervical Cancer" é uma comunidade no Facebook dedicada a aumentar a consciencialização e o conhecimento das mulheres sobre o HPV e o seu papel no cancro do colo do útero, onde são abordados temas como a importância dos testes de rastreio e permitem a conexão entre mulheres de todo o mundo.
Ao clicar no botão seguinte irá aceder a uma página gerida pela Roche Global (https://www.facebook.com/PreventCervicalCancer), destinado a uma vasta audiência, podendo assim conter detalhes ou informação sobre produtos que podem não estar disponíveis no seu país.